Students ages 8-18 who are enrolled in CYT classes are invited to audition for the current production. Auditions typically consist of a one-minute song and a short monologue performed for the Artistic Team. The audition process may also include a “callback” in which a student may be asked to dance, sing, or read for a specific role in the show.  Auditions are a wonderful way for students to gain self-confidence and to show the best of their talents!

Read below for audition details and helpful tips!

How do I submit my song choice in advance of my audition?

Songs should be from a stage musical or movie musical, no pop songs or worship songs.
Decide whether you will sing with an instrumental track or use our live pianist.
  • If you are using a track, it is up to you to find that track and upload it with your audition form. We recommend a site such as for inexpensive tracks. 
    • Your track should not be longer than 1 minute. If you submit a full song, we will start it at the beginning and stop it at 60 seconds. If you want to sing the middle or the end of a song, you can use a site such as to trim the full track down to one minute long.
    • Please upload an AUDIO file of your instrumental accompaniment track to which you will be singing. Your audio track should be in the format of MP3, MP4, AAC, M4A, WAV. 
    • Your track WILL NOT WORK if it is any of the following: aiff, .MOV, iTunes, YouTube, Google Drive link, Spotify reference, or any kind of LINK, .jpg, .pdf, or any kind of screenshot of anything. Again, try to convert .MOV to .mp3, to speed up/slow down, and to trim the length.
    • For $5, Tim Dolan will cut your music and send it back to you in the proper format. Email him at for more info.
  • If you are using our live accompanist, it is up to you to find appropriate piano sheet music and upload it with your audition form. 
    • We recommend or as websites to inexpensively purchase quality pdf sheet music.
    • No more than 32 bars (measures), marked where to stop and start on clean piano sheet music. Use the form to upload a PDF file of your sheet music so that the pianist can prepare. It must be clearly readable on an iPad for our accompanist, in one document, not a separate photo of each page.
    • Practice times with accompanist are available on the audition form. You will have 5 minutes with the accompanist after class on Tuesday night to go through your piece a couple of times. You should come prepared, as the accompanist is there to play along with you, not teach you your song. 
Use the audition form to submit all of your information, including your music track or sheet music. Note that the audition form also requires you to be prepared with your rehearsal conflicts, current photo and program bio.

How do absences play into casting?

The directing team needs to know what rehearsals you will be missing.  It is imperative that they have this information on the audition form.  Absences that come up after casting will not be excused.  There is no “magic number” of excused absences that will make or break getting cast, however, the more absences you have the more difficult chances of getting cast become. CYT understands approximately two absences during a regular rehearsal process. Absences from a technical rehearsal, dress rehearsal, or performance would severely limit the roles for which you would be eligible. 

What if I am unsure about my rehearsal conflicts?

Any information is helpful. Select all of the dates that you are potentially unavailable as "conflicts" and then give us more information in any of the "notes" fields on the form. 

Rehearsal schedules may vary by show, but typically CYT DFW rehearses on Friday evenings and Saturdays from 9am-3pm. See the production calendar embedded on the current audition page.

Can I watch/videotape auditions?

Auditions are open to a public audience. You may certainly videotape your child's audition, though you may not record other children in your child's group.

What if my child is out of town on audition weekend?

If you are unable to attend auditions, we do accept video audition submissions through a private Youtube Link. Please work this out in advance with your Stage Manager. All video submissions must be submitted by the audition form deadline. 

How should I help my child with the audition process?

Be a support. Help them find music. Let them practice in front of you. Obviously, the younger the child, the more you may want to help steer them towards a successful audition yourself.

Who should fill out the audition form- parent or student?

We suggest that families complete the audition form together- the older the student, the more responsibility they can take over their own audition. However, even with our oldest and most independent students, there are still commitments that parents need to agree with in order for the student to participate. On the audition form, the parent is asked to agree to the following: 
  • Attendance: I realize that cast members are expected to attend every performance and every rehearsal for which they are scheduled. In case of illness, I will notify the Stage Manager as soon as possible. In order to ensure the quality of rehearsals and production, I understand that ONLY the listed conflicts on this audition form will be accepted upon casting and that unexcused absences could result in being removed from scenes or dismissal from the show without refund.
  • Parent Involvement: Parent agrees to attend the production kick-off on the day of the first rehearsal and to find a way to Serve CYT in the needs of this production. I will use the CYT Dallas App to find volunteer opportunities for this show.
    • Family involvement and volunteer questions should go to Production Coordinator, Shannon Bicheno:
  • Financial Commitment: I understand that I will be charged a student production fee of $175. I am also responsible to provide personal items like shoes, modesty wear, tights, and makeup.
    • I also understand that I will be responsible to sell 20 tickets or I will be charged the balance of unsold tickets. (Families with multiple cast members will sell a total of 25 tickets per family.)
    • Financial questions should be addressed to Director of Operations, Rebekah Guidroz:
  • Communication Agreement: In order to ensure proper communication I agree to check my CYT Dallas web account to make sure that I have the correct and current email address listed for cast members and guardians.
    • I will not depend on emails, but will visit my CYT Dallas web account weekly to view the electronic callboard for the upcoming weekend (updated on Tuesday nights.)
    • I will download the CYT Dallas APP and turn on notifications for "Matilda" 
    • I may also join the CYT Dallas Families Facebook group for community. --This is for current students, performers, staff, and their immediate household only.

Can I play the piano accompaniment for my child?

The accompaniment options for auditions are to submit a pre-recorded instrumental track or to use our CYT pianist. The pianist will be available for practice sessions after class on the Tuesday before auditions, by appointment only. You can sign up for a practice appointment when you submit your audition form with your sheet music. 

Please note, rehearsal with the pianist is a 5-minute practice session, not a voice lesson. You should already have your song memorized and bring a hard copy of your sheet music for the pianist. 

How many people usually audition for the production?

It varies greatly by production and session, though most shows see numbers between 50 and 100.

Where can I see my callbacks and casting?

Callbacks are available for viewing the morning after auditions. Casting is available for viewing the morning after callbacks. Both will be listed on your student account.
See the below photo for an example of where to find your audition profile inside your CYT Account.