Upcoming Auditions!

Pre-Audition Practice Opportunity for Mainstage Live Accompaniment
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 5:30-8:30pm by appointment
  • If you are auditioning for the Mainstage production on Wednesday with sheet music, you can use your audition form to sign-up for a five-minute practice slot with the pianist.
  • Your account will be billed $10 to help cover the cost of the professional musician.
  • Using live accompaniment rather than a pre-recorded track is highly recommended for Mainstage unless you are a younger student auditioning for both shows.
  • See Music Notes or Sheet Music Direct for inexpensive sheet music. Music Notes even has an app that will play the song while it highlights the notes to help you learn.

Big Fish Winter Mainstage Auditions, Ages 8-18
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 5:30-8:30pm by appointment
  • You will choose your group time slot on your audition form.
  • Please note that not everyone who auditions for the Mainstage Production will be cast. 
    • There are very few roles available for younger students in "Big Fish" Students younger than 14 are strongly encouraged to audition for the Youth Troupe Production in addition to, or instead of, the Mainstage production.  The two auditions will be adjudicated by the two different directing teams, so if you want to be considered for both, you need to audition twice. 

James & the Giant Peach- Winter Youth Troupe Auditions, Ages 8-13
Friday, March 28, 2025, 5:30-8:30 p.m. by appointment
  • You will choose your group time slot on your audition form. 
  • There is no live accompanist at Youth Troupe auditions. You must provide a pre-recorded accompaniment track with your audition form. 
  • Everyone who auditions for Youth Troupe (ages 8-13) will be cast. Ages 8-13 can audition for both shows and will be cast in only one. When a student auditions for both, the decision of which show they are cast in will be made by the directors, not the student. 

Required Dance auditions for both Mainstage and Youth Troupe Productions
Saturday, March 29, 2025
8:30-10:15am Mainstage Dance Auditions (Mover, Dancer, Tapper)
10:30am-11:30am Youth Troupe Dance Auditions

Callbacks by invitation for both Mainstage and Youth Troupe Productions
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Immediately following Dance Auditions for each show
Students will be released as we finish with each role. Please be ready to pick-up between 11am-4pm. 

All auditions will be held at the CYT Dallas Character Factory: 907 W. Main Street, Lewisville. 
The Character Factory is located in a stand-alone building behind First Methodist Church Lewisville.

Audition Form for Big Fish and James & the Giant Peach

Audition Media- Dance auditions and monologues

We will continue to add material until it is all here. For each show, you should memorize one monologue and one dance (plus optional Tap for Mainstage.)

Your Audition To-Do List!

  • Register for at least one CYT Dallas class- trimester or studio.
  • Compare your personal calendar to the production calendar below and make sure you can attend rehearsals and performances. 
  • If you are ages 8-13, decide whether you will audition for the Youth Troupe Production, the Mainstage Production, or both. If you are auditioning for both, you will audition for each on their own night. It is a different artistic team watching for each show.
  • Choose your audition song (1 minute or 32 measures) and start to practice. (See the audition FAQ page for more info about your song.)
  • Choose an audition monologue from our provided selections and memorize it. (Selections will be available for each show in the pdf menu above when the audition form is live.)
  • Watch the dance audition videos and prepare to show your skill at the dance auditions.
  • Fill out the audition form embedded below.
  • On the night of auditions: arrive 10-15 minutes before your audition time and sign in.
  • Dance auditions will beheld on the Saturday following auditions as early as 8:30am. Dance auditions are required for all, but multiple levels may be offered.
  • Callbacks for roles, by invitation only, will be held immediately following the dance auditions.

When you commit to participate in a CYT Dallas show, you agree to pay a production fee of $175, to sell 20 tickets per student (or 25 tickets per family,) and contribute family volunteer hours to the production. We cannot produce the shows that we do without every cast member contributing in all three of these ways. 

Students will only be allowed to audition when these conditions are met:
  • Currently registered in an ongoing studio class and/or a current trimester class.
  • Returning Students must have paid-in-full all previous production fees and ticket sales and contributed parent volunteer hours. Returning families without volunteer histories will be asked to have an in-person meeting with staff to help them find and commit to volunteer opportunities before a student will be allowed to audition.
  • New students must have at least one parent registered in our volunteer system, including a completed background check and child safety training. 
    • To set up a volunteer account, you must have the CYT Dallas app. Once you open the app, select Volunteer > CYT Dallas Volunteers > Sign Up To Volunteer. You’ll then click "Create A New Account." The volunteer system links from the CYT Dallas app to a different volunteer site, so you need to create a unique volunteer account. (Only one parent is required to volunteer, but each individual who volunteers must have their own account. Spouses cannot share a login.) Fill out the information, and click the link to authorize your background check. Once you create an account, you will be directed to a screen that will say awaiting activation. After we run your background check, you will be emailed a link for a Protect My Ministry training video. Once you complete the video training, your volunteer account will be activated, and you’ll be able to see and sign up for shifts.
  • Families who do not have a complete and activated parent volunteer account will be expected to complete this process on site during Saturday dance auditions before their child can be cast in a show. 
Production fees can be paid all at once ($175) or in three installments. The first payment is due upon accepting your role. The second payment is due January 1 and the third payment is due February 1. Unpaid production fees may result in your student being removed from the show. 

Production Calendar

Rehearsal Times:
Fridays 5:30pm- 9:00pm
Saturdays 9:00am-3:00pm 

Tech week evenings:
Dinner 5pm
Call Time 5:30pm-9:00pm

Performance times:
Fridays- Dinner 5pm, Call time 5:30pm, Performance 7:00pm
Saturdays- call time 12:30pm, Performances 2:00 pm & 7:00pm 
Sundays- call time 12:30pm, Performance 2:00 pm