Congratulations On Your Callback!
Callbacks are a great opportunity for the Directing team to see more of your talents and abilities. This page will have all the information you need to know to help you prepare.
During callbacks, we are looking not only for your vocal ability but also for your ability to hold the attention of the directing team. If a character you are called back for is in a song with other characters you will only be responsible for learning the part of the character(s) you are called back for in your CYT account.
Callbacks are "closed." This means that there will not be an audience for callbacks.
Here are some callback tips:
- Release yourself of all expectations (yes, ALL. Meaning, you should not have any expectations. Zero. None.). Callbacks are not in your control. Your job is to show up, do your best, and go home. Release yourself from the pressure that you are in control and that you must do everything correctly. There are hundreds of factors that go into casting a show.
- Be open and prepared for anything. The directing team has been known to change things up in the room at the last minute. It would be in your best interest to be familiar with the entire show.
- Arrive at callbacks early. Early is a least 10 minutes before your scheduled time. If you walk in the door "on time", you're already late. Check-in begins 15 minutes before each call time. (See below)
- Get sleep the night before your callback. It's imperative that you're well-rested. Callbacks are long and high-intense days.
Dance & Callback Schedule
Location: 907 West Main Street, Lewisville (Same location as Auditions)
*Please note that the dance auditions and callbacks are closed to audiences. Only students and staff will be allowed into the building. If you need to reach a student, text a staff member, as students will have their phones put away.*
8:30am-9:00am Mover Auditions Mainstage
9:00am-9:30am Tap Auditions Mainstage
9:30am- 10:15am Dancer Auditions Mainstage
10:30am-11:00am Dance Auditions Youth Troupe
See the auditions page for the mover/dancer/tap routines.
If you do not have a character callback, please be picked up promptly at the end of your dance audition time slot above.
Those who are called back for roles should stay after Dance auditions.
If you are called for a named role, you will be released when we are finished with your scenes or songs. Please have a ride who can get you within a short period of time when you text them. Typically, some roles are done as early as 10:30am and others as late as 3:00pm. There will be an adult on site who can text you if your student does not have a phone.
We will not take a lunch break- bring yourself some snacks, or cold lunch to eat during your downtime.
Don't forget your water bottle!